Reading Mode

Problem Description:
When adding SMB/CIFS shares through the Proxmox GUI in versions 8 and above, users have reported issues with these shares disconnecting at irregular intervals. This can be frustrating and disruptive, especially in a production environment. Despite extensive online searches, a straightforward solution seemed elusive. However, after extensive testing and experimentation, a workaround has been found.

The solution involves creating an SMB/CIFS share via the Proxmox GUI but not enabling it immediately. Instead, you will first create a corresponding fstab entry and then enable the share after a reboot.

Step 1: Create an SMB/CIFS Share in Proxmox GUI

Open the Proxmox GUI and create an SMB/CIFS share as you normally would, following the standard procedure.

When you reach the point of saving the share, refrain from enabling it right away.

Take note of the name of the share that you created.

Reboot your Proxmox server.

Step 2: Create an fstab Entry

SSH into your Proxmox server or access the command line interface.

Open the /etc/fstab file in a text editor (e.g., nano) using the following command:

   nano /etc/fstab

Add the following line to the end of the file, replacing the placeholders with your specific information:

   //192.168.1.XX/Share/Proxmox-Folder /mnt/pve/"Name of the share you created in GUI" cifs username=XXXXXX,password=XXXXXX,noserverino,rw,nounix,iocharset=utf8,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777 0 0
  • Replace “//192.168.1.xx/Share/Proxmox-Folder” with the actual SMB/CIFS share path.
  • Replace “Name of the share you created in GUI” with the name of the share from the Proxmox GUI.
  • Replace “XXXXXX” with your username and password for the SMB/CIFS share.
  1. Save the changes by pressing Ctrl+O and then exit the text editor by pressing Ctrl+X.
  2. Reboot your Proxmox server to apply the changes.

By following this workaround, you can effectively address the issue of SMB/CIFS shares disconnecting in Proxmox 8+. Creating an fstab entry after a reboot appears to stabilize the shares and prevent disconnections. While this solution has been successful for some users, it’s essential to note that individual configurations may vary. Nonetheless, this method is a promising step toward resolving this common issue and maintaining a stable Proxmox environment.

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