Reading Mode

NordVPN doesnt share the wireguard config files , using this guide you will be able to get the config files and use them with routers or other wireguard clients.

First install a Ubuntu Desktop and then Install NordLynx using the official guide. Once done run the following code.

my_interface=$(sudo wg show | grep interface | cut -d" " -f2)
my_privkey=$(sudo wg show $my_interface private-key)
my_ip=$(ip -f inet addr show $my_interface  | awk '/inet/ {print $2}')

read host ip city country serv_pubkey < <( echo $(curl -s "\[servers_technologies\]\[identifier\]=wireguard_udp&limit=1" | jq -r '.[]|.hostname, .station, (.locations|.[]|.country|, (.locations|.[]|.country|.name), (.technologies|.[].metadata|.[].value)'))

sid=$(echo $host | cut -d. -f1)
echo Server: $host \($ip\) has pubkey $serv_pubkey

echo writing config to $fn
echo "#config for nordvpn server $sid"  > $fn
echo "[Interface]"                      >> $fn
echo "Address = $my_ip"                  >> $fn
echo "PrivateKey = $my_privkey"            >> $fn
echo ""                                 >> $fn
echo "[Peer]"                           >> $fn
echo "PublicKey = $serv_pubkey"         >> $fn
echo "AllowedIPs ="           >> $fn
echo "Endpoint = $host:51820"           >> $fn

echo ""
echo "Content of $fn:"
cat $fn

qrencode -t ansiutf8 < $fn

# uncomment this line to automatically copy the .conf to the wg directory, then you can use it directly with "wg-quick up nvpn_xy1234"
#sudo mv $fn /etc/wireguard && sudo chmod 600 /etc/wireguard/$fn

You might need to install wireguard on linux additionally.

If you don’t see public key after you run the script , you need to install jq

sudo apt install jq

Additionally you might need to format the public key on config file remove Nordvpn_country code form beginning of the key if its there.

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